Friday, August 27, 2010


Brainstorming with a group of people is a powerful technique. Brainstorming creates new ideas, solves problems, motivates and develops teams. Brainstorming motivates because it involves members of a team in bigger management issues, and it gets a team working together. Brainstorming places a significant burden on the facilitator to manage the process, people's involvement and sensitivities, and then to manage the follow up actions. 

From my experience, I had been use brainstorming process during the Convocation Festival at my University. I have been pointed to be a committee of the event. Two month before, the high commitee of the event starting the meeting with people. During the meeting, many things have been discussed and many ideas came out from all commitee. All team member must know each other so that the project will going smoothly. Almost every night we saw each other to suggest way in improving cooperation among members.


With the group, assess, evaluate and analyse the effects and validity of the ideas or the list. Develop and prioritise the ideas into a more finished list or set of actions or options. The task had been divide to many categories and each category have a leader. For example, for Publicity Commitee, they need to work out to advertise about the Convocation Festival like in MMU itself and to outsider. 

With Brainstorming process, the event have been succeed and all the commitee happy work together because we work with an idea that we all agreed.


Prepared by : Amira bt Ramli
Id : 1071116705

ello everybody, how was your life?mine was dull.Student life so far was very suffocating. I haven't found any excitement but still i put a very high hope for this semester. I'm seeking a good result for this semester. Hostel life is the worse ever so far. I always felt like i don’t have a time to make a new a friend, mix up with people. i always thought i can stand on my own, i don’t need anybody. but i myself prove myself wronged. ;’( i do feel lonely sometimes and hate the facts that people are totally not as warm as i met before.

But all that was happened before, now i am very happy and felt comfortable. Here i be a good friend with person that always with we not even during classes but also at hostel. We always seem to be together every time and everywhere. As u all know, life in University not always full with enjoyment. Suddenly my friend got a critical financial problem because the loan had been hold because her result was not so good. I noticed that she no more eat something that cause a high price and sometimes she will fasting.
Until one day, she ask me out and she told me the whole story about the problem she faced. After that, she ask me to borrow some money from me because she need to pay the tuition fees if not, she will not be able to take a final exam. During that time, I felt sympathy at her. She told me that, if she cannot take the final exam, her time along this semester will be useless. She also have make a promises to pay back after her loan will no longer hold. She will try her best to get a better result for the current semester.

For this case,Ad populum appeal to pity best describe my situation. I felt sympathy at what had happen to her. Although I have no much money to gave her, I try my best at least can help her. Ad populum appeal to pity is arguer tries to get people agree with their conclusion by evoking pity and sympathy either with situation or with the situation of some third party.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Old experience

Prepared by Sayed hussain hadi
ID: 1061110870

Vagueness or vague statement is something that is totally not accurate or clear. Although some speakers use vague language when they are unable or unwilling to give accurate information, or they think it is either unnecessary or socially inappropriate to do so.

 A good example of vague language is rounding up numbers when telling the time. Twenty-six minutes past two becomes:
It's about half past two.
It's almost half past two.
It's half two-ish.
It's nearly half past two.
Often, speakers use vague language not because they do not have accurate information, but because they feel it is more polite to make a less definite statement.
Well let me tell you a story that happened to me, one day I was sitting in the coffee shop with one of my friends, this friend from united arab states (UAE) while we were drinking our coffee he said that UAE is the best country in the world. So I was curious about his statement and I asked him why would you say that? Based on what!
But this friend didn't give me any reason that will explain that he is right. Therefore I became confused about what he said. Because when we want to assess any statement we need to know the standard and the arguer must be certain about his statement, and he must choose his words carefully. 

My point in this story is that now I can differentiate between valid argument and vague statement, which make my conversations with other people so easy and simple. In fact critical thinking class I have gained a lot of knowledge and new ways in evaluating people's discussion. 

                                   An example of vague conversation

Sayed hussain hadi's BCT Dairy

 Prepared by Sayed hussain hadi   ID: 1061110870
                         When I wanted to become a smoker
Long time ago, my mother used to tell me not to smoke because my father was smoking in front of me all the time. She told me that if I smoke the first thing will happen to me is my teeth will be yellow, but I said how if I wash my teeth everyday?
My mother want to persuade me to not even think about being a smoker, so she said to me if your teeth become yellow , then your smile will be ugly which will make ladies avoid talking to you  Not only that she also added the idea that my smell will be awful which will make people run away from me and if no one wants to be around me I will be lonely or uncomfortable. My response was like what if I use perfume? Because at that time I was a smoker but I didn't want my mum to find out. But she kept quite for few minutes.

After that she started to talk about facts, that smoking will lead me to like for example, have cancer or many other diseases that could make my life miserable and that in the end   will pay for the cost and will suffer the pain, and she said you will remember that if you don't take my advice.

                        cigarettes will lead to sad ending.

This conversation was a clear example about ad populum appeal to indirect consequences (slippery slope argument). The reason that made her to tell me about all these consequences is to make me believe that smoking is bad, but there is many other possibilities that could happen in the future, which can change the outcomes in the future, for example I may smoke for few months and I figure out that smoking is wasting of time and money, and I may change my mind and stop it by myself. So at this point we can see that my mother did some mistakes in her reasoning for this argument, but any mother would say that for her son.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Stages in the Process of Insight and Creativity

 prepared by HAFIZAH BT SHAM 1041111392

It's important for us to know the process of insight and creativity to apply in daily life.  here i would like to share the stages in the process of insight and creativity that will help all of us to think creative.

In the preparation stage, it’s kind of like a “brainstorming” exercise: if yo’re a writer, for example, this means looking at old pieces of work and trying to decide where to go from there. In “preparation,” this might feel like work, but you’re actually just trying to see what you can come up with. People usually have to do this anyway or else nothing gets done - the brainstorming might be slight, but it is preparation for the next stage, which is incubation.

In step two, incubation, necessary connections are made in order to “lay” the idea – like when an egg is getting “incubated” and getting the heat it needs to turn into a full-blown chick. In this stage, you have the idea, but you’re just giving it some steam and energy in order for it to fully materialize.

Step three is illumination, which is in short, the “lightbulb” moment. This is the time when the puzzle of an idea has come together and there’s no stopping its influence from coming out in creativity. These moments sometimes happen at the most inopportune times, like when you’re nowhere near a canvas, a computer, or a piece of paper. For example, this is the moment for a writer when an idea just hits them and they need to grab a piece of paper in order to remember it. Illumination means seeing the light and the creative juice is flowing its best when this “eureka!” happens.

The last step of the creative process is implementation, which means that the idea has gone down on paper – in short, this is the “final product” stage of the creativity process. For example, this is when a writer records their idea for a story and actually gets to decide if it’s worth following through with.
It takes a lot of work to get to the “implementation” stage because the pieces have to fall together and if they fall together wrong, you have to start over. You may follow many different roads, but in the end, there’s one idea that sticks out all four stages and ends up being your “project.” For example, writing these blogs follows that process: I “prepare” by researching and thinking, which leads to “incubating” on one subject and eventually to an “illumination” and “implementation” of that idea into an entry for online publication.

below is a video showing how we can think out of the box by applying these stages.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Ibrahim's second Dairy

The mentality about Samsung brand
February 20th, 2009
Wow !!! Critical thinking really brought back to me some momeries which had happened in the past.

                                            RECALLING THE MOMENT 
I recalled an event that went on then between me, my elder brother and a sales manager  at Park ‘n’ shop shopping mall which I am going to share with you in just a moment. It was crazy, fun and memorable. Some people  stick to their mentality no matter what. Here I go:
It  was a time for my brother to get married but there were some pre-arrangements that needed to be done prior to the marriage. After his studies, he immediately got a job with one government agency  which enabled him  with the little income he was earning to start building a house in order for him to secure a living with his wife ,on seeing his sedulous efforts, our father supported him financially to enable him complete the journey he had embarked on(BUILDING A HOUSE ). Before you know it, the house  was completed.
 It was a brighter Monday morning when my brother came to me and said ,hey ! Ibrahim as you are aware I have finished building  my house  now it is time to furnish the it, I then said brother you are right , so? He then said would you mind if I ask you to accompany me to make some purchases of electronics? I said no I don’t mind at all when should we go now? He said later at 2:30pm I answered ok I will be available. I then went and dressed up so curious waiting for the time because I knew  I was not just accompanying him but to get my own shopping too haha!!.The time was due I met him in the sitting room and said brother I am set, he said ok let’s go.Finally we were  in the car cruising ….bummmmm……bummmmmm…..bummmmmmm.

                          While in the car on the way to the shopping mall
I started asking him brother which brand are you going for? I suggest you buy LG because I once saw it in my friend’s house,it's very nice it has very good sound system, light weight  and it also consumes less power compared to other brands .I was just talking not knowing that he had choice  already which I am going to tell you shortly, as I  was talking he was just driving  and kept on saying ok..ok..that is nice brand..nodding his head up and down. At last  we arrived the place. We stepped out of the car and  walked through the glass doors into the Mall. On entry into the mall a guy came up and said  you are welcome Sirs, how may I help you?  We said thank you, could you please direct us to the electronics section? He said yes sure come with me, we were behind him,he took us, then my brother said I need “SAMSUNG BRAND” I said HUHH??? Samsung ?? yes said him.

                                 The brands he likes                                                                                                             


 I didn’t  even tried to persuade him to buy LG  again I just  kept my mouth shut .We went all round couldn’t see any Samsung brand, I was happy he said what should we do  now go to another mall? I said no as you know this is the biggest and the cheapest mall in this city, I said may be choose another brand since  Samsung is not  the best, he said No it’s,  let’s go and see the sales manager to ask when is it (Samsung) going to be available . We went to the manager’s office he welcomed us and said you need any help? My brother said actually we are here to buy three things namely: a 52” high definition screen, a refrigerator and split air -conditioning  system all SAMSUNG BRANDED. The manager said oh!!! So sorry sir we don’t  have stock at the moment and it will take couple of months because we have to ship from abroad, my brother asked how many months precisely one or two? The manager  said I can’t guarantee you because we import in a very large quantity and it is subject to Custom clearance that is why we can’t say when unless if you can wait but it  takes minimum of three months in normal condition, the manager further said even  other retailers in the city do came here to purchase from us and for now they are  also out of stock. I  would have suggested you go there and search for your luck but why don’t you buy other brands like LG,SONNY ,PANASONIC etc they are good  brands also at some extent even better than Samsung.He tried to do some promotions by saying all these brands I mentioned have  tree years warranty each so you need not to worry you are safe.

Some of the alternative brands recommended                                                                                                                                          


My brother said I don’t think I’ll like any other than samsung because I have an uncle who had an LG refrigerator and after three months of use it got spoiled ,he then bought  a sonny brand after one year it couldn’t work properly  but the Samsung TV he bought along is still working like a new one therefore I think SAMSUNG is the best brand so I’ll prefer to wait, meanwhile let me make a reservation. He deposited some money and got a receipt , we went back home with nothing and he got married two months later  without a TV to watch, aircon and refrigerator.It was until after three and half months he got  a call from the manager asking him to come over and get his goods.We went and balanced the money and received the goods.He was so excited.Luckily my Dad bought a new sonny branded 52” screen also at that same time.
After one year and seven months my bro’s TV started having problem(over heating and offing  itself)he took it for repairs  spent money it then worked normal and after some months again a different one,he took it again for repairs the technician said sir you need to pay  ₦23,000 (nearly have the price of the TV) to get your TV fixed because there are two chips that burnt and I have travel to Lagos(a place in my country) to get them, not sold here,he was confused but at home we are using our LG TV with no any headache,I said silently in my heart  (I advised you but you wouldn’t listen Mr samsung). He had to take it back home and waited until end of the month (for his salary) to buy another one but it was not  samsung again this time rather LG,in a joke I asked brother  are you still going for 52” ? I think you should buy 62” in order to avoid the same problem,he said to me would you allow me to buy Samsung again? I said yes why not? It’s your choice  and after all it is the BEST… he said no the WORST….hahaha.. I laughed.He got it finally and as I speak to you now he is still using it  with no complain.
Lastly,all I am trying to say here is that my brother had OVER GENERALiSED THAT BRANDS OTHER THAN SAMSUNG are not good since our  uncle bought  an LG refrigerator and after three months of use it got spoiled ,he then bought  a sonny brand after one year it couldn’t work properly  but the Samsung TV he bought along is still working like a new one therefore he thinks SAMSUNG is the best brand so he will  prefer not to use any brand other than Samsung. Fallacy of Hasty Generalization reminded me of this scenario.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Ibrahim's first BCT Dairy

Hafizah Bt  Sham 1041111391
Amira bt Ramli 1071116705
Sayed Hussain  Hadi 1061110870

                                                     Ibrahim Mohammed
The objective of this posting is nothing but to share with you some of the things I have been able to learn in my critical thinking class so far......

How  I have finally chosen to study in  Malaysia.

Last  couple of years(barely two years) my parents announced to me that they will  send me abroad (Malaysia) in order to further my education.On hearing about  this, I became excited and  was  jubilating noticing that I was the second to travel overseas  for the sake of education in the family. I said to myself  wow! (we do not know the love of parents until we become parents).Below pictures were uploaded to enhance your understanding.

                                               How I was jubilating!!!!!!!!!!


Three months later it was time to start preparations. We quickly sent an application to SeGI  College and luckily it was successful, then visa was the main issue at hand. The University (Segi) applied for the visa and we were told that a student visa takes three months to process we  then  waited. Three months were almost we contacted the school only for us to hear that it was not successful, and no reason was given for the refusal. My parents then  said ok lets change the University, we applied to Sunway University got the admission  but still faced with  visa problem, couldn’t get it and the admission expired .My parents again said we are not going to give up, let’s try for the third time. We applied to a different University got admitted but still same problem. At this point in time a lot of money was already spent and nothing has been achieved.We were making efforts to figure out what next to do.
One Sunday morning I was in my room glancing at a news paper suddenly I noticed an advert of one International foundation college situated  in Nigeria by name Global  International college where one can have a foundation and then proceeds  to a foreign University. I quickly rushed and showed it to my parents they then said ok  first thing tomorrow you go and inquire from them.Finally I got enrolled for a nine months program and graduated at the expiration of the duration.

                            Graduation at Global International college!!!



 On successful completion I got admissions in the UK and United Arab Emirates but couldn’t get any in  Malaysia.My friends started influencing me to go to Uk with them that Malaysia is not a nice place Uk is better everything is there bla...bla.bla.I start developing interest but  I had to consider what my parents wanted, then a DILEMMA came up me.Unknown  to me another arrangement was on the way  for Malaysia again,a family  friend was trying to help.Finally MMU was successful but I was already influenced by friends of mine to go to UK Malaysia was no longer my choice and I didn’t want to disobey my parents.

How I solved  the Problem:

1.I tried to know what was the exact problem troubling me?
Answer:  In this case, the problem was that I want UK and my parents want MALAYSIA. But already been Influenced by my  friends who were trying to make me choose something else other than what my parents have chosen for me.

                             One of whom influenced me to go to UK!!!

2.I tried to ask myself did this problem ever happened to me and what are my  feelings  right now?
Answer: I realized that I was totally upset and it has never happened to me before so what should I do now,go to Malaysia or go to UK?
I then sat down started to think of how to overcome the dilemma by figuring out the advantages and disadvantages of each like these countries:Come with me  and see how I was abled to tackled it based on what I had thought then.

UK’s  Advantages:
1.Nearly all my friends are going there so I may have less problems if I study in the UK.
2. Better facilities in the Uk than in Malaysia and the standard of living is excellent.

Malaysia’s Advantages:

1.Life in Malaysia is a lot more cheaper .
2.I am a muslim and Malaysia is an Islamic country where I can learn more about Islam.
3. My parents need not to suffer much for my educational expenses if I go to Malaysia.
4.My elder brother usually goes to Malaysia for official assignments and that could be  an advantage for me .

Disadvantages in Uk  :

1.High rate of taxes.
2.The universities are very expensive in the UK my parents might not  be able to pay for my  tuition as  at when due.
3.T her are possibilities I might deviate from my religion.
4.I can be influenced by those same friends to engage in bad activities.
5.Too much enjoyment can affect my study.

Disadvantages in Malaysia :

1.The distance is too much
2.Humid temperature in the country might affect me.

Finally I looked at the country with the highest advantages and less disadvantages to be my final choice and it  turned out to be Malaysia.

                                         My journey to Malaysia!!!


In conclusion, I having been talking so lengthy about THE FOUR  STAGES of  Problem-Solving Model (DAID) in which I had defined the Problem, Analyzed the problem, Identified the possible solution and decided on the best alternative.