Friday, August 27, 2010


Prepared by : Amira bt Ramli
Id : 1071116705

ello everybody, how was your life?mine was dull.Student life so far was very suffocating. I haven't found any excitement but still i put a very high hope for this semester. I'm seeking a good result for this semester. Hostel life is the worse ever so far. I always felt like i don’t have a time to make a new a friend, mix up with people. i always thought i can stand on my own, i don’t need anybody. but i myself prove myself wronged. ;’( i do feel lonely sometimes and hate the facts that people are totally not as warm as i met before.

But all that was happened before, now i am very happy and felt comfortable. Here i be a good friend with person that always with we not even during classes but also at hostel. We always seem to be together every time and everywhere. As u all know, life in University not always full with enjoyment. Suddenly my friend got a critical financial problem because the loan had been hold because her result was not so good. I noticed that she no more eat something that cause a high price and sometimes she will fasting.
Until one day, she ask me out and she told me the whole story about the problem she faced. After that, she ask me to borrow some money from me because she need to pay the tuition fees if not, she will not be able to take a final exam. During that time, I felt sympathy at her. She told me that, if she cannot take the final exam, her time along this semester will be useless. She also have make a promises to pay back after her loan will no longer hold. She will try her best to get a better result for the current semester.

For this case,Ad populum appeal to pity best describe my situation. I felt sympathy at what had happen to her. Although I have no much money to gave her, I try my best at least can help her. Ad populum appeal to pity is arguer tries to get people agree with their conclusion by evoking pity and sympathy either with situation or with the situation of some third party.

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